FlipBeats by hSenid Outsourcing Won Multiple Awards at BCS National Best Quality Software Awards (NBQSA) 2014



The National Best Quality ICT Awards (NBQSA) competition is an annual event organized by the BCS The Chartered Institute for IT Sri Lanka (BCSSL) Section. The avowed objectives of the NBQSA competition are threefold: To provide recognition to outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations in Sri Lanka who/which have contributed to the development of ICT, to create a window to gain international recognition for locally developed ICT products and to improve standards and the quality of local ICT products and services to be able to compete in the international market place.

A good recording studio provides a listening experience unmatched by almost any other environment. FlipBeats is space tailored to reproduce sound in a very predictable, honest way. The exact studio istening experience is what we deliver through FlipBeats. Adopting some of key studio features, FlipBeats improves how users listening space sounds.

FlipBeats treats its users with the Most Advanced "Audio Configuration" available on an Android Music app through a Unique, Intuitive & Customizable Flip UI and it’s a successful final outcome of several audio and environment space experiments. It enables users to explore the world of music with accurate sound reproduction.

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