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hSenid Mobile to showcase the “Telco App Store” at the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2011

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Barcelona, 14 - 17 February 2011 – The proliferation of mobile applications may have transformed the Mobile industry but it certainly hasn’t realized its full potential. With nearly 80% of mobile users still using feature phones - it is a market that remains significantly underserved. Telecom Operators too, despite various attempts of either embracing or replicating conventional mobile app ecosystems, have failed to capitalize on this booming potential other than bear the burden of additional data usage of top tier phones - when the answer lies in targeting the entire subscriber base with apps that monetizes their network assets.

At the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2011, hSenid Mobile, leading providers of Cloud based Telco Platforms is to showcase the solution that addresses this market gap with the “Telco App Store".

The Telco App Store is to revolutionize the mobile application sphere by rolling out a rich breed of network centric “Telco Apps” based on the Operator’s unique network capabilities such as SMS, MMS, Location etc. And its unique Application discovery via multiple user interfaces such as the Web, WAP, USSD, IVR etc reaches out to both smart as well as standard feature phones exemplifying the attractive proposition of the Telco App store being able to serve a diverse mass market and not a privileged few.

Subscribers of all tiers in the market will now have a plethora of utility and downloadable apps at their choice, on a dimension they are so used to, on channels that are easily accessible, irrespective of handset types or systems. Thus a rich “App store experience to all” enabled by unique App discovery mechanisms coupled with enhanced and convenient navigation on interfaces that is certain to be available on every phone.

Telecom operators today are facing a revenue generating paradox in the area of mobile applications. According to leading technology research consultants and analysts, traditional and over the top app Stores are set to account for over 80% of a near US$30-billion by 2013 with operators, expected to have a minimum stake in what is supposed to be a lucrative business, face the threat of being relegated to mere carrier bit pipes for traditional and over the top App stores.

The Telco App Store can play a key role in helping operators regain lost ground in the Mobile Applications market. Operators with the Telco App Store can exploit the advantages of its network capabilities with channels such as SMS made available on every mobile handset and it is one that nearly every mobile user understands how to use. Crucially Telco Apps such as those based on SMS generate recurring revenue as opposed to one off download fees of the traditional app store, hence a sustainable model that creates continuous value over a Subscriber’s life time.

Operators could also benefit from leveraging their brand presence and loyalty in their local markets – where they know their subscribers better than most and this combined with capabilities in convergent technologies such as location based etc enables the operator to offer the right applications to the right person at the right time using the right channel providing the opportunity to reaffirm the Operator as the apex service provider of the Mobile Industry.

This potential provides the opportunity to attract and inspire application developers based around their localities to come up with applications suited to their surroundings. It should spark the possibility of apps serving various spectrums of a market and operators will therefore have the unique strength to attract low to very high-end application developers as is the evidence with Etisalat Sri-Lanka which successfully launched the World’s 1st Cloud Telco App Store with a vibrant eco-system.

The advent of a global “Telco Developer Community” that operators can leverage from as well as cultivate in the country they are based in can ensure a rich supply of apps onto the store – subscribers will therefore enjoy apps that are relevant to their day to day lives and their communities.

hSenid Mobile CEO, Dinesh Saparamadu says, “We are delighted to promote this ground-breaking solution that is to transform the market potential of Mobile Apps by catering to an entire subscriber base of an Operator overcoming the barriers of handset types and models.”



About hSenid Mobile 

hSenid Mobile, is a multi-national Telco-Mobile Software solutions company, that provides a next generation Cloud Enabled Telco Application Platform (Cloud TAP) based on its Cloud SDP enabling end to end service creation & discovery for Telco Apps with the Telco Developer Portal & the revolutionary Telco App Store. Its dynamic portfolio also contains a Subscriber created application platform, an End-to-end Customer Churn Management Solution, A Multi-Channel Top Up system, Location Based Solutions, Mobile Banking & Payment solutions, SMSC & USSD content gateways.. hSenid Mobile has been enabling the mobile world for well over a decade now, with a solid history of implementing cutting edge Telco middleware platforms globally. Its customer base spans across continents with some of the key being, M1 (Singapore), Telcel (Mexico), DST (Brunei), Etisalat, Dialog-Axiata, Hutch, Airtel & Mobitel (South Asia) and its Research and Business Development offices in Singapore, Malaysia, USA, India & Sri-Lanka.

Media Contact:

Muzackir Nadim
Marketing & Communications,
hSenid Mobile
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