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“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”

Many of us are familiar with the phrase that is “Work-Life Balance” but only a few are aware of what exactly this means. A quick google search will tell you that “Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritising between "work" (career and ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation).” But what does the proper prioritisation look like and how do you maintain this work life balance. Here are a few tips to guide you through the process.

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Remember the days when we though school was bad, we were waiting to break free and start working in the real word. Then university rolls around and things get even more stressful you begin to see a whole new level of people and once it finally time to step in to the really world things get a lot more complicated that what we knew in school. The different flavors of people that you meet and the situations that you face become challenges that you have to face on a daily basis. And a little part of you, dreams of the simpler timer when things were less complicated. These tips come in handy, not just at work but, life in general.

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When the time comes to say good bye to our bitter sweet school life, and move on to a university, the transition becomes almost an adventure. There aren’t any uniforms or four walls keeping you from wondering and exploring the outside world. Because we are already outside. Although it isn’t the joyous place we thought it would be. When a simple homework becomes a research paper and an hour’s work runs into all-nighters. Then when it’s finally time to put on that cloak and walk out of university, things get a little bit more real than we anticipate. The excitement that is built inside when you think of joining that dream job will soon fade away after the first few interviews. When it’s finally time to start work, things take different turn. Here are a few instances where you will experience a difference between university and work.

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